Fast Break specializes in the process of fitting running and walking shoes. We seek to provide beginners and enthusiasts alike, of all ages, with products, expertise, and a community to help them achieve their athletic and fitness goals.
When you step into a Gearhead store, you’ll find expertly-chosen outdoor gear and clothing, as well as inspiration to plan your next backpacking, hiking or climbing trip. And, hopefully, that trip will lead you to want to protect local wild spaces for future adventurers.
Designing and constructing the world's best climbing, skiing & mountain gear since 1957.
For over 90 years, La Sportiva has created incredible products for all mountain adventures - and trail running is at the heart of the brand. We're proud to once again have the support of La Sportiva in 2022!
TuckerBuild is a Chattanooga-based commercial construction team, made up of design-build specialists.
Need help with an injury? Looking to stay injury free and healthy? Check in with Peak Fitness and Physical Therapy in Chattanooga! Peak Fitness and Physical Therapy specializes in orthopedics and pilates-based rehabilitation and provides individualized 1-on-1 care. Peak also offers 1-on-1 fitness training, complete running evaluations, and FREE injury screens.
Bad Beard Events provides the Southeast region and our local community with unique trail racing experiences for top-tier athletes and those interested in running on trails for the first time. From the ultra-distance to the 5k, our series is to encourage, introduce, and challenge all runners to experience the incredible roads, trails, and natural wonders in Chattanooga's backyard.