Cut off is 19 hours!
Heiss Mountain Rd and Legget Rd (turnaround)
Aid stations will have water, Powerade, prepacked chips, gummy bears. There will be ramen and quesadillas or grilled cheese sandwiches at mile 31.
Packet Pick up 4/18: 10:00-11:30pm at the Start/Finish
We recommend having a drop bag for the turnaround at mile 31 (Legget Rd. Trailhead Aid Station) with change of clothes, socks, shoes, etc.
Pacers will be allowed from the turnaround (mile 31) at the Legget Road aid Station. Pacers may be picked up at Legget Rd Aid Station (mile 31) and/or Heiss Mountain Road aid station (mile 49).
Crew can access runners at Heiss Mountain Road aid station (outbound-mile 18), Legget Road aid station (mile 31) and Heiss Mountain Road aid station (inbound-mile 49).
Only 1 pacer per runner at a time.
A portion of the proceeds will benefit Adventure Makers. Please check them out here: